
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why supermoms are like Jello, according to the “experts”

Are you a gyrating mom?  Strange question I know, but according to findings in a study of middle class parents from UCLA's Center on Everyday Lives of Families, this is what moms do when they take care of their families.  This is according to the Wall Street Journal, which published an article highlighting the details of the study:
In about 75% of the families, the mothers came home first and began to “gyrate” through the house, bouncing between the kids and their homework, groceries, dinner and laundry, according to the group's analysis published in the Journal of Family Psychology in 2009.
Say goodbye to the more forgiving “multi-tasking” and hello to the much more pejorative “gyrating.”  We moms “gyrate” when balancing our responsibilities.  Like Jello.  Like that muffin top that never went away after having kids.
Moms don't multi-task: we "gyrate,"
according to the "experts"!  Jello, anyone?

Thanks, UCLA, for reducing supermoms’ efforts, which are nothing less than heroic, to the jiggling of cafeteria’s favorite dessert, which we were probably served in the hospital after we exerted our first heroic effort bringing a child, or children (moms of multiples, you rock!) into the world.
What a way to render the heartfelt efforts of caring for our families as flavorless, artificially sweet, meaningless even.  It’s demeaning.  To me this study totally misses the mark.  
I am sick and tired of the “experts” harping on how American parents are failing our kids.  We American parents treasure our kids; we nurture them; we empower them, and we love them.  Our kids aren’t just going to grow up to be “just fine”; they are going to grow up to change the world in incredible ways, and to lead it to wonderful new places.  Our kids are going to accomplish things that we can’t even dream of right now.  They are going to reach for the stars and hold them in their hands.  
No UCLA, I am not a gelatin-based dessert.  I’m a devoted mom who will stop at nothing to give my daughter every opportunity in life and to support her in accomplishing her dreams, no matter what they are.  And if that means “gyrating” between reading her a story, doing laundry, and fixing dinner, so be it.  That does not make me a bad mom.
It’s high time to give American parents what we deserve: a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Check out Huffington Post supermom blogger Lisa Belkin’s insightful response to the study here.

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