
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEAP boldly into your dreams

Leap day occurs only once every four years, and the day has me thinking about taking leaps of faith, because in life, these moments are rare.  It isn’t every day that I ponder a step into the great unknown, leaving my comfort zone, trusting that jumping into a risk will pay off, and that everything will turn out all right.  
As a kid leap year always fascinated me, and brought a smile to my face, because I had a visual image of the years playing leap frog, hopping over one another as in the childhood game.  Playing leap frog requires trust on the part of the child being leaped over, that the one jumping over her will land safely on the other side, and they’ll both remain unharmed.  Then it will be her turn to take the leap, and she has to trust that she can go the distance.
And so it is with leaps of faith.  
Another four years have danced with us and disappeared.  I’m ready to start the next chapter, and I want to make sure that I take the leaps that matter.  Not waiting, with my head down, as in the game of leap frog waiting for my turn, but surging forward, with no net, trusting that everything will work out, and that the right risks will pay off.  It’s a matter of trust in myself. 
This blog was a leap of faith, and I thank you for supporting me with your readership, and for the wonderful conversations we’ve been able to have.  On this leap day, I wish you trust in yourself, courage to take the leaps of faith that you wish to take, and the generous support of your loved ones as you do.

May you take the leaps of faith you wish to take

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