
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Justin Bieber's Hair

I recently overheard a mom of two girls say, “Does my new haircut make me look like Justin Bieber?”  My first thought was, “Lady, if that’s the case, you didn’t get a very good haircut.”  But then I thought about it.  Justin Bieber has gorgeous hair. On second thought, I would LOVE for my hair to look like Justin Bieber’s.

Then I saw his new perfume commercial.  Yes, you heard right, Justin Bieber has launched a new perfume, called Someday.  And in the commercial he is sporting a new semi-buzz cut.  This may be splitting hairs: it's not a classic army buzz, but he has shorn those gorgeous locks.  Does this mean he has lost his powers to entice the ‘tweens?  Hardly.  What he’s lost in hair he’ll make up for with his new perfume. 

It’s like the flamboyant theater director Roger De Bris says to the timorous Leo Bloom in the Producers“If I could bottle you I'd shove you under my armpits everyday.”  So moms, while you’re out getting your Justin Bieber haircuts (not the “after” semi-buzz cut but the luxuriant and chic layered locks of the “before” do), your daughters are busy shoving him under their armpits.  What an image.

For me, Justin Bieber is like perfume: a little bit goes a long way.

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